100% of your investment will be directed to the Hoyo Negro Project

For more information on giving to the Hoyo Negro project or UC San Diego’s other pioneering efforts in cultural heritage engineering, please contact Adrienne M. Bolli, Director of Development, at 858-822-6968 or



Your gift at any level will be meaningful. Gifts play an important role in keeping our university in the forefront of academic and research excellence. Even modest contributions, pooled with gifts from others, can achieve big results and begin a lifetime of philanthropy with impact.


Here's how you can give online, by check or through other methods. You can also make a gift through a bequest, charitable annuity or other type of planned gift.

Online: Give now by credit card, cash gift, pledge or recurring donation through UC San Diego's convenient and secure online giving website. To give directly to this project, go to the Hoyo Negro Fund online giving page. When you make an online gift, you can check to see if your employer has a matching gifts program, or visit the Employer Matching Gifts page.

Payroll Deduction: For UC San Diego faculty and staff, it's easy to give through payroll deduction. Just go to our online giving website to designate your gift and follow the instructions for payroll deduction.

By Phone: If you would like to call with your credit card information, contact: Adrienne M. Bolli, 858-822-6968.

By Mail: To mail in your gift check, make your check payable to "UC San Diego Foundation", note “Hoyo Negro Fund” on your check, and mail it to:
UC San Diego
Jacobs School of Engineering Development
Attn: Adrienne M. Bolli
9500 Gilman Drive, #0403
La Jolla, CA 92093-0403

Stocks: If you would like to make a gift of stock or mutual funds, you can learn more by calling Adrienne M. Bolli, (858) 822-6968

Bequest: If you would like to make a gift through your will, trust or another form of planned gift, please contact Adrienne M. Bolli, Director of Development, (858) 822-6968.